搜索 Cardoso

  • 电影生活
  • 女奴
  • 爱的权利
  • 庄园之梦
    根据巴西作家卡洛利娜·纳布科的小说《庄园之梦》改编。 妩媚多情的大家闺秀玛丽娜违心地与表兄订了婚。后来她与年轻的工业家罗贝托一见钟情,就与表兄解除婚约,随罗布托来到首都定居。婚后玛丽娜总觉得自己比不上罗贝托的前妻阿莉塞,从而郁郁寡欢,神经出了毛病,离家出走,回到了昔日的庄园。罗贝托赶来,在医生的建议下,偕玛丽娜去欧洲旅…
  • In search of a powerful hallucinogen, five friends embark on a dangerous journey deep into the Amazon. But a bad trip isn't the only threat, as they discover when they stumble across the hidden camp of the crazed Dr. Moreau and his murderous animal-human hybrid creations...
  • In the 80's Brazilian cinema was flirting with porn. Ariella (from Love Strange Love) is almost it, and it's very well made, has a great cast with now and then famous actors and actresses. It's based on a great Brazilian writer, Cassandra Rios. The movie is about the sexual discoveries of a young girl. She happens to f…
  • (来自机译:)这是关于福斯托和吉尔达谁结婚了很长的时间并彼此深爱对方的故事。但吉尔达去世,只剩福斯托与他们15岁的女儿和家庭教师。当福斯托开始每晚做梦与去世的妻子做爱后,他的女医生,就是他唯一一个访客。可是,当福斯托几乎达到了高潮,吉尔达却消失了。不久后,福斯托再也分不清什么是现实什么是梦境。It's the story of Faus…
  • Three tales of the erotic: Two young ladies experiment with lesbianism, a handsome and wealthy socialite makes a beautiful woman patiently wait to make love to him, and a gorgeous, but controlling and dominating blind woman makes a hunky stud her sexual hostage in her swanky mansion home.