搜索 Carpenter

  • 电影游戏
    年纪不小还吊儿郎当的乔(Ryan Kwanten 饰)被女友贝丝(Margarita Levieva 饰)三振出局,绝望之际,他被艾瑞克(Steve Zahn 饰)和亨(Peter Dinklage 饰)两位损友带回了吸毒酗酒的老路,颠倒迷幻的梦境过后,乔突然醒来,发现自己竟然穿上了中世纪的铠甲。原来在他昏睡期间,被两位中二病深度患者带到了中世纪格斗游戏的营地。既来之,则安…
  • 著名唱片出版商威廉旗下的签约歌手相继遭到三名蒙面持枪男子的杀害,警探史卡利在调查此案时也惨遭毒手。为迅速破案,警察局调来智勇双全的黑人警探米尔斯,配合精明强干的唐尼根共同破案。经过多方调查取证,发现曾经红极一时的摇滚乐队因经营不善处于窘迫之境,而他们的成名曲版权又被威廉掠去,于是他们在向威廉敲诈巨款的同时,开始谋杀与其…
  • Mr. Holder, a city banker, is Holmes' latest client. A prominent customer left him a beryl-encrusted coronet as a surety against a loan. Mr. Holder took the coronet home for safekeeping and was shocked to find his son Arthur attempting to deface it. Holmes deduces that Arthur is innocent and was only trying to cover up…
  • 影片从1910年爱迪生的电影工作室拍摄的《弗兰肯斯坦》讲起,串起近百年的美国恐怖片发展史。为什么恐怖片能在美国取得如此巨大的成功?为什么美国观众如此热衷于血腥和暴力?影片邀请来诸位恐怖片大师,包括乔·丹特(《小魔怪》)、约翰·卡朋特(《万圣节》)、达伦·林恩·鲍斯曼(《电锯惊魂2》)等等,详述他们对于恐怖片的理解,混剪进各…
  • Harvest (I)(2010)Supplier:IGUANA Genre.......DramaRipper..:IGUANA Runtime.....:102 minFormat..:XviD IMDB Rating.:4.4/10Source..DVD R1 Store Date..:06/21/11Size....:50x15mb Release Date:06/22/11http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1302001/Stars: Robert Loggia, Jack Carpenter andVictoria ClarkGathered one summer in a beautiful sh…
  • Dumpster tells the story of what happens when Jim, a janitor on the campus of an elite university, discovers Francis, a wealthy frat boy, hiding in a mobile garbage bin. Jim wrestles with adult responsibilities at home with his girlfriend and her child, while Francis struggles to overcome his roommate's suicide, gettin…
  • The most vicious serial killer of the 21st-century manipulates LA Detective's Jack Donaldson and Steve Sabbia as they become part of his twisted plan. Seeking revenge against the world's ignorance of his self proclaimed filmmaking brilliance, his gruesome crimes are broadcast live on the Internet creating mass hysteria…
  • 电影恐怖
    100年前的北加利福尼亚的安东尼奥海滩,患有麻风病的富豪布雷克希望在此建立一个小镇,将同样患有麻风病的患者集中起来治疗。然而他的爱心并未得到应有的回报,许多觊觎布雷克财富的贪婪之徒来到这里,伺机杀害了布雷克。  100年后,当小镇人民举行百年庆典时,一团神秘雾气降临小镇,布雷克及其随从的冤魂从大海深处归来,所到之处人们尽皆死…