- 在《哆啦A梦美国版》里他们不再住在日本,而是住在美国一个「虚构的地方」。由於这个设定,筷子这类的东西不会再出现,取而代之的是刀叉。美国版哆啦A梦入乡随俗被各种修改,大雄手里的日元变成了美元,纸质拉门不再出现,0分考卷变成了F评,哆啦A梦原本喜欢吃的铜锣烧被改成了披萨,胖虎和静香的桥段删了不少,筷子变成了刀叉,奇怪的是,筷子…
- A spoiled rich girl who wants to be a dancer finds herself caught into between two rival dance groups set to do battle at an underground competition.When rich girl Cocolonia (Megan Heyn) can't shake her stuff at home because of her uptight mom (Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation), she hits the streets to join a dance cr…