搜索 Cast

  • Just the way in which long-haired, brace-wearing fourteen-year old Lucía climbs into the car with her little brother says it all: puberty is such a burden. Disgruntled Lucía has to spend a week's holiday with her divorced father, Alberto. …
  • 住在亚马逊农村的强纳沙,在路边摆摊贩售农产品维生,这也是他与外界交际的唯一舞台。个性敏感内敛的强纳沙,跟他自然奔放的哥哥朱利安诺,两人遇见乌克兰来的辣妹蜜莉,他们不顾父亲反对,决定三人一起到丛林里露营,展开了一段充满欲望、诱惑与惊险的旅程。电影前半段像是悠悠哉哉的南美风情画;后半则骤然转成面对大自然的未知恐惧,从题材到…
  • 讲述基督教和勇于献身的教徒是如何战胜罗马人的残酷压迫并最终驯服罗马帝国的史诗默片作品。
  • 电影动作
    这部动画出自法国Mopa动画学院,由Julie Artigny、Lisa Bouët、Florent Bossoutrot、Claire Courrier、Camille Savary联合制作。动画片中各个动物有着人的部分特征,同时也惟妙惟肖地酷似某种动物,随着剧情的发展,会发现这几个类人动物似乎代表谄媚者、贪婪者、高傲者和原地踏步者,同时这几个类人动物也构成一个社会。拥有狮相的动物端坐在…
  • Marc Régent, a hit man in the pay of ruthless gang leader Marcus, refuses to gun down René, his friend. Hunted down by Marcus's men, he fakes a suicide but Marcus does not take the bait. He ends up tracing him at the the Nice airport where…
  • 因为厌倦了麻木的生活,一位母亲在她的豪宅里自杀了。影片展示了她死后的24个小时,家庭各成员对她的死毫无察觉,即使他们住得如此之近。
  • A man falls off the roof of his country home. His wife pulls him onto the back of a truck and drives frantically towards the nearest clinic for help. Unbeknown to the woman, the body is lost along the way. In a chain of absurd events and cover-ups the body is repeatedly 'killed' until it eventually reaches the clinic. …
  • 根据莎翁同名历史剧改编,讲述罗马内战期间后三人执政之一的马克安东尼与埃及艳后克里奥帕特拉之间的爱情悲剧。