搜索 Castell

  • 意大利邪教电影导演恩佐·G·卡斯特拉里(Enzo G.Castellari)执导了这部后世界末日的恐怖电影。这是2019年,也是核战争15年后的一年,现在世界由一群行为像狼和肉食性罪犯的人类捕食者团伙统治。但一群幸存者发现了遥远的无线电信号,这给了他们希望:世界上有没有其他人类赖以生存的地方,他们能在变种人到达之前到达那里吗?
  • Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too …
  • A Whodunit from the great! The investigation into the suicide of a young woman found dead at the bottom of a cliff uncovers many lovers of both sexes, including her Brother's sister and her psychiatrist, a weird tale of absolute power and love.
  • 三个故事:一个会计娶了一个漂亮的日本人,然后跟着她到东京;一个年轻人娶了一个西西里女孩来救她远离父爱的愤怒;一个戏剧导演娶了她的舞者,这样她就可以离开芭蕾舞团了。
  • He was the first European explorer to reach China. And if two dragons have their way, he'll be the last.
  • Brian and Bryan are strangers who hook up for an evening of uninhibited and unsafe sex. Afterward, the two spend the entire evening talking, arguing about everything from sexual identity to gay life to bisexuality to philosophy. Ultimately, AIDS becomes the prime topic of the evening. Though all of the sex occurs off s…
  • 卡迪那(艾米丽·巴克雷 Emily Barclay 饰)经历了一场非常失败的婚姻,如今独自抚养着年幼的孩子,和父亲过着相依为命的生活。卡迪那生命中唯一重要的人就是她的弟弟丹尼(Laurence Breuls 饰),然而,因为一场谋杀案,丹尼被判入狱,面临着终身监禁的沉重审判。为了给弟弟上诉,卡迪那需要一大笔钱,可是,卡迪那的父亲对自己的女儿毫无关心…
  • 卡特琳娜(艾丽斯·泰迪勒 Alice Teghil饰)拥有着一个表面风平浪静的家庭,父亲(塞吉·卡斯特里图 Sergio Castellitto饰)是个不大有社会地位的教师,而母亲一心料理家庭,为人朴素平凡。或许,这就意味着卡特琳娜一家会在大城市的生活中碰壁。从乡下搬到罗马之后,卡特琳娜眼前有着全新的视野和生活。她所在的学校,处处都是家世显赫的名门之…