搜索 Castella

  • Moe begins dating a little person he met on the Internet, while Maggie is being bullied at the playground next to Moe's where Homer is leaving her.Season 20, Episode 16
  • In the city of Milan, a brutal gang of thieves rob a jewelry shop and just manage to escape capture by the police. During the robbery one of the gang members is severely wounded and needs medical attention immediately. The thieves discover a prominent surgeon (Anthony Steffen) lives nearby, so they bust their way into …
  • Paco和Tonho是居住在纽约的巴西非法移民,害羞的Tonho梦想成功但又同时想念在巴西的家人,后来被移民局抓到了,他要被遣返回去。Paco是一个说唱歌手兼演员,除了对他自己的事野外对任何事都不关心,一心梦想着唱片能冲进排行榜前10名。本片展示了这两个人在希望艰难中的徘徊与挣扎……
  • 意大利邪教电影导演恩佐·G·卡斯特拉里(Enzo G.Castellari)执导了这部后世界末日的恐怖电影。这是2019年,也是核战争15年后的一年,现在世界由一群行为像狼和肉食性罪犯的人类捕食者团伙统治。但一群幸存者发现了遥远的无线电信号,这给了他们希望:世界上有没有其他人类赖以生存的地方,他们能在变种人到达之前到达那里吗?
  • Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direction; but this film feels a bit too …
  • 三个故事:一个会计娶了一个漂亮的日本人,然后跟着她到东京;一个年轻人娶了一个西西里女孩来救她远离父爱的愤怒;一个戏剧导演娶了她的舞者,这样她就可以离开芭蕾舞团了。
  • Brian and Bryan are strangers who hook up for an evening of uninhibited and unsafe sex. Afterward, the two spend the entire evening talking, arguing about everything from sexual identity to gay life to bisexuality to philosophy. Ultimately, AIDS becomes the prime topic of the evening. Though all of the sex occurs off s…
  • 在纳粹德国,两个孪生兄弟为不同的理想而分开 , 赫尔曼成为了一名魔术师,古斯塔夫则成为了一名党卫军军官 。影片在讽刺和幽默中对纳粹进行了嘲弄,导演力求运用喜剧形式的手法通过影片来表现应该说是有不足之处。