- "Omaggio a Roma" is a 21-min documentary film directed by Franco Zeffirelli, initially released on October 16, 2009, made in collaboration with the municipality of Rome and the Italian Ministry for Tourism. It was presented at the Rome Film Festival, with a shorter 3-minute version to be broadcast on major st…
- In early seventies Italy, plagued by criminality and political terrorism, a fearless police commissioner ( Enrico Maria Salerno ) is sent to restore law and order in a northern industrial town devastated by a recent wave of violence and kidnappings. When a gang of criminals steals his son, he has to decide whether to s…
- This movie is silly but never stupid, so you can just enjoy it for what it is...a Jersey mob comedy. Principals DeVito and Piscopo are life-long friends who live next door to each other in Newark, and their source of income comes from the mob figure (Dan Hedaya) who allows them to pick up his dry cleaning and start his…