- A beautiful woman tries to find her identity by having a number of lovers but none can satisfy her every need.
- Tom Waits 在1990年为舞台剧《The Black Rider》配乐和填词,是Tom Waits与垮掉派William Burroughs在德国合作的一部舞台剧。在排演过程中德国WDR电台一直跟踪拍摄排演情况并在该剧演出之后制作了这一部三十分钟的纪录片。有舞台排演过程,演出片断,音乐录音片断等等。剧情讲的是一个年轻人与魔鬼交易的事情。舞台风格和化妆比较夸张,很重的表…
- Stanley's girlfriend is coming to his house in few minutes. The whole action takes place in this short time between the instant he knows she is coming and the moment in which she arrives. A long continuous camera shot catches this real time and everything that happens in between.