搜索 Cesare

  • Nel tempo di Cesare
    Synopsis The documentary tells a compelling and intensely emotional story that took place along the Tiber River starting in 1999, and follows the events in the life of two families of eel fishermen who for generations have lived and worked along the urban stretch of the river, near the Grande Raccordo Anulare in the s…
  • William Jeffers Kidd, an outcast boy, gets revenge on his tormentors using supernatural powers. That help comes from the ghost of Billy the Kid whose 1873 Winchester rifle he finds, then hides again. A group of archaeologists subsequently find the weapon and it begins its magical actions. William's uncle, Sheriff Gary …
  • 因为心上人入选本周去宇宙人选,伤心欲绝的男主角驾驶着自制的飞车奔赴天际,场景有些类似《ET》。而当男主角上天入地终于见到了心中的女神,真相却是……   缓慢而悲伤的背景音乐奠定了整部片子的基调,灿烂的宇宙景象,掩盖了男主角孤单哀伤的心情。
  • 《尽头的风景》是亚历山德罗·努纳德里(Alessandro Lunardelli)的导演处女作,由意大利和智利联合拍摄,在意大利、西班牙和智利三国取景,是一部讲述兄弟亲情、身份认同和成长冒险的公路电影。主人公戴维和哥哥诺里斯一直生活在意大利北部小城,兄弟俩很早就接手了家族产业。戴维18岁,是一个没有公开出柜的同志;诺里斯30岁不到,只热爱足…
  • 纳德16岁,他有一个意大利女朋友,这不符合父母的期望和伊斯兰教义。但是对于这个年轻人来说,传统根本不重要。他想要的东西必须马上得到,也许还会动用暴力。这一点与他的同学斯特法诺不谋而合。
  • Marcello (Gabriele Tinti) and Micaela (Magda Konopka) want to have a child, but it seems Micaela has medical issues preventing a pregnancy. Marcello wants to go to Switzerland for more exotic treatments, but Micaela chooses instead to have her niece Letizia (Franca Gonella) brought home from a fancy boarding school to …
  • Princess Miriam from the office of foreign ministry of the Taslamia, is sent to Milan to deal with a group of industrialists.