搜索 Chavez

  • In this volume of the thought-provoking series, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addresses the international press corps on what he sees as the advantages of socialism and the flaws of capitalism and America's version of democracy. Suggesting that a healthy government is one in which all citizens play a role, Chavez qu…
  • 很不错的古巴新片,推荐一看,Rebeca Chávez是古巴非常有名的一位女导演。两篇评论:http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=7299http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=7386Cuban fiction feature film Ciudad en Rojo (City in Red), by movie maker Rebeca Chávez, is scheduled to be sho…
  • Rubén Darío是尼加拉瓜著名诗人,拉美现代文学的奠基人之一。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubén_Darío
  • 瓜达露佩-乌比娜是哥斯达黎加当代最知名的民谣女歌手,很喜欢她的歌。:)La cantautora, poeta y escritora Guadalupe Urbina, utiliza ahora el lenguaje de la pintura para seguir hablándonos de nuestras raíces y del paraíso que nos toca redescubrir. Su obra pictó…
  • A documentary about the life and career Mexican boxer Julio César Chávez.
  • 纳科(路易斯·菲利普·托瓦尔)迷恋着劳拉(阿瑞达那·吉尔)。而劳拉则被另外两个男人困扰着,一个是墨西哥著名的摔跤手,另一个则是她想要杀死的西班牙导演。在劳拉和那个反弗朗哥·托洛茨基分子之间,纳科也许会和现实疏远——他的行为会表明一切。
  • 贝尔因为持械抢却与杀人被定罪送进监狱,从那时起难以忘却与妻子女儿分离的痛苦。现在,他出狱了,终于获得属于自己的那份钱并得以与家人团聚,至少说是补偿了一部分失去的损失。可是,世事难料,可怕的遭遇接种而至。贝尔将如何应对呢?
  • Marooned on a remote peninsula and haunted by frightening specters, a young man must confront the grotesque denizens of the night, or heed the Lighthouse Keeper's cryptic warning to, 'Always keep a light burning!'