搜索 Chern

  • 在萨福克海岸一个村庄里,佩里等待他的过去往事的到来。十年前,他发现了伊朗的化学和生物武器设施。他提供的信息破坏伊朗的杀伤能力很多年。现在伊朗将报复,派遣最致命的杀手去完成任务。杀手代号为战鹰,他将用隐形和致命的能力对付他所选定的目标,除非佩里的保护者可以找到他,第一时间阻止他。当他靠近,佩里的保护圈越来越小。对于一个不…
  • 电影犯罪
  • 人过中年的家庭主妇罗丝•马特修(Cayle Chernin 凯勒•彻宁 饰)生活美满,但他的丈夫乔治(David Boyce 饰)举止却越来越怪异。乔治无法目睹妻子杀鱼的场面,去海边时则喜欢像鱼一样游泳,他在家里订制了巨大的水族箱,每天沉迷于观看游弋的鱼儿。某天晚餐时分,乔治坦言希望变成一条鱼,而罗丝则认为这纯属无稽之谈。执著的乔治并未理会妻子…
  • 'Boris Babaev, an Orthodox Jew from Tajikistan, meets a secular Jewish Mexican-American filmmaker in Poland. This documentary is the result, a lyrical and contemplative piece, which captures Boris's struggle to find his place in the world. When Boris encounters young Poles who are discovering their Jewish roots, he dec…
  • This is a very powerful film. Admittedly parts of it are hard to watch, but it is an outstanding piece. In a nutshell, it is about a hippie commune that has been set up by someone who believes that the best way to help the homeless and often deranged cripples in Moscow is by offering them sexual love. I did not realise…
  • 贵族青年拉夫列茨基(列昂尼德·库拉金 Leonid Kulagin 饰)对少将之女瓦尔瓦拉(贝娅塔·蒂希基维茨 Beata Tyszkiewicz 饰)一见钟情,两人认识没多久就携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。哪知道瓦尔瓦拉生性风流,婚后迅速打入了巴黎的社交场中,成为了交际花,她的沾花惹草让拉夫列茨基感到非常的痛苦。拉夫列茨基离开了家,回到了自己的祖国,在那里,…
  • 电影喜剧
  • Sunny Bridges (or just Sunny) is among the biggest music stars of his time. However, he grew sick of the commercialism and fame that came with his craft, and longed to "follow the music" again. To find it, he traveled to his childhood neighborhood, "A-Town", and stumbled upon the First-Year Music Cl…
  • 电影家庭
    八名来自Chai Dong村的孩子遭到一名恶毒的商人的胁迫,被贩卖去当奴隶。绝望之余,这些孩子的贫苦家庭筹集了家里仅有的一点点财产,雇了五名超级英雄去追寻找回他们的孩子。五名英雄必须齐心协力,冒着生命危险深入蛮荒之地去解救他们。
  • Brother Theng (Pongsak Pongsuwan), a young monk, moves to a temple in a village where villagers still foolishly believe in ghosts and spirits. Thinking of how to develop a better way of life for the villagers, he intends to renew the villagers' belief to more reasonable ways with the help from his followers like Song (…