- The son of the cop who cracked an old serial killer becomes the prime suspect when a copycat emerges.
- 意大利美食料理大师瓜蒂耶罗·马切西成长在一个音乐世家,天然的艺术气质为他的烹饪技艺锦上添花。他从法国学习料理,把所学带回意大利,革新了意大利美食。他与欧洲艺术翘楚交流,从音乐和画作中汲取养分,将其融入料理。马切西制作的不只是美味佳肴,也是赏心悦目的艺术品。然而,他拒绝了米其林大师的荣誉,为的是解开束缚,遵从内心做真正想…
- HBO开发一部由John Barcheski联同Robert Munic开发,前者执笔﹑Matt Shakman执导﹑Taylor Kitsch主演的新未命名剧集。剧中讲述一名年轻﹑照顾家人的毒贩Chris Klug(Taylor Kitsch饰)因一批质量糟糕的毒品而陷入暂时性植物人状态,紧接他发现此事并非偶然,而是他身边有人意图解决主角。
- Her short film Oasis (2020) was awarded in the Nespresso Talents competition and screened as part of the Critics' Week at Cannes Film Festival. She was also an international jury for Nespresso Talents 2021. Her documentary based on Oasis won the Gabriel Figueroa award for production. She is currently working on the scr…
- Histories can overlap, they can blend. They are such stuff as stories and myths are made of, and they are responsible for the intensity of both real and fictional places. For Brent Chesanek, it all starts with the skulls of two men named Powell, found on the same area: although the men have nothing in common, for the s…