- 张国荣跨越97演唱会,于1996年12月—1997年6月举行。由《风继续吹》,《红颜白发》,《风再起时》重新编曲串成的开场音乐拉开了张国荣“跨越97演唱会”的序幕。整场演唱会中张国荣演唱了《爱慕》、《侧面》、《今生今世》、《红》、《当爱已成往事》等近35首经典曲目。在演唱会中,张国荣将《月亮代表我的心》送给他生命中挚爱的朋友和亲人:母…
- John's Gone is a fever dream comedy about John's World soon after his mother passes away. He sells things online, cheats off dollar stores, needs friends but settles for strangers, has roaches, and is prematurely thrust into the cruel wasteland that is the world around him. He is surrounded by people who don't speak hi…