- Short Synopsis:Hiroshi, a man wandering in rural Japan aimlessly, encounters 6 years-old Keita, who triggers a conflict between conscience and a dark violent nature.Review:The debut feature of Yasunobu Takahashi, this brilliantly shot and acted indie production, a discovery at this year’s Yubari International Fantastic…
- 2006年,泰国11位青年男女参加了一个名叫《Ghost Game之生还者》的电视直播节目。他们来到一个17号集中营度过“挑战鬼魂之夜”,在1986年,曾有100000名无辜者惨死营内。 11位参赛者需要在这个阴森的地方度过三天,最后能留下的人便可赢得奖金500万泰铢,他们每天都会在24小时的监控下进行游戏。他们个个自认胆大包天,誓要成为冠军。 …
- In Paul Grimault's satire of the arms trade, the dealer is alerted to the breakout of war by a signal on his map, so travels in turn to each of two warring countries (his journey is traced for us on the map), selling to each the means of destroying its neighbour. —The Cine-Tourist