- 文森特,乔治和弗莱德是三个四十岁的男人。常说四十不惑,但真的到了四十岁,他们才发现,生命中让人想不明白的问题只会越来越多。在孩子的教育问题上,文森特和妻子常常发生口角,这给他们的婚姻蒙上了阴影。乔治有一个奉行女权主义的妻子,他的悲惨生活可想而知。当生命行进过半时,这两个男人才开始问自己,这样的生活真的是他们想要的吗? …
- WINTER is a dangerous, sexy, poignant and at times darkly funny story about two people who desperately want intimacy but have fashioned lives of reclusivity and emotional fracture which ultimately spells the doom of their great love. WINTER begins with Michael, in his mid forties, suicidal about his writing career, whi…