- Pictures From a Hiroshima Schoolyard is a documentary focused around a set of old Japanese children's drawings found in the closet of a member of All Souls Church in Washington, DC in 1995. Current parishioners unearth the dramatic story behind the drawings and discover that they were drawn in 1947 by students of a sch…
- From the writer of “State Property” comes the tale of two friends that go their separate ways after witnessing a crime in their youth
- スーパーアイドル・Meekoこと天野美琴のコンサート会場にゾーリ魔たちが現れた。そこへ駆けつけたキョウリュウジャー。ダイゴと美琴は、かつてフランスで出会っていた。一旦は敵を退けたダイゴたちだが、再会を喜ぶ間もなく、太古の戦騎デスリュウジャー=通称「D」の出現によって、美琴が連れ去られてしまう。Dの目的は、獣電竜0号・ト…