搜索 Chou

  • 恶毒梁欢秀第二季
  • 动漫冒险
  • 动漫动画
    故事发生在一个名为“迷路镇”的小镇之中,在这里,居住着很多以占卜为职业的占卜师,他们被称为“Urara”。活泼可爱的少女千矢(原田彩枫 配音)千里迢迢来到迷路镇,她希望能在这里见到一直都在寻找的母亲,在这座拥有着神奇力量,因缘交汇的小镇,千矢的梦想能够化为现实呢?出生于名门茶屋的巽绀(本渡枫 配音)、含着金汤匙出生但格外平易…
  • TILT is a love story set against the backdrop of the changing political and social environment in Europe in the late 80's and early 90's. Can this love survive the challenges of emigration, a violent homeland and immoral social atmosphere thanks to a gang of adventurous friends? Written by Anonymous from imdb.com
  • 根据真实事件改编,法国戛纳附近发生一桩凶杀案,法国警察和检察官怀有偏见的认定凶手就是一名穆斯林移民,造成冤假错案。
  • Kun and Busaba are going to have their happy wedding together. But their sweet moment is collapsed when Kun is alleged to be the assassin who kills a politician and holds a confidential clip. Kun claims himself as innocent before he is moved to zone 8E88 where he is forced to unveil the truth about the clip.   Meanwhil…
  • 电影
    Dabbling with the world of fantasy and reality, 'Clerk' is a shocking tale of a middle class average man, Biplab caught in the journey of self discovery in a peculiar and twisted way. His world is painted with striking shades of imagination and gloomy streaks of outdated labor politics and mundane everyday existence. I…
  • 电影剧情