- Takes place over a long weekend, as "John and Marlena travel to Zurich; Ben and Ciara have a romantic getaway in New Orleans; Chad visits some old friends in Phoenix; and Abe, Paulina, Lani, and Eli vacation in Miami. All find themselves embroiled in a mystery involving stolen jewels which, in the wrong hands, cou…
- Erica, who ends up as the entertainment at her ex-fiancé's wedding after reluctantly taking a gig at a luxurious island resort while in the wake of a music career meltdown.
- 在这部嬉笑怒骂的历史修正主义动画里,挥舞着链锯的乔治·华盛顿集结了一批惹事生非者,包括热爱啤酒的塞缪尔·亚当斯、知名科学家托马斯·爱迪生、优秀马术师保罗·列维尔和暴躁老哥杰罗尼莫等,想要在美国独立革命中击败本尼迪克特·阿诺德和詹姆斯国王。谁会笑到最后?没人知道。只有一件事能确定:他们可不是你印象中的国父。