搜索 Christophe

  • Michel Comte’s dazzling feature debut renders this modern love story as an epic, overt spectacle of romance and loss, and a marvel of formal construction.based upon Giacomo Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly, the film introduces Cho-Cho, a c…
  • Following the disappearance of a close family member, Casy Hughes (Jerod Perez) and Morgan (Dorie Waters) are sent to the vacated home to finalize affairs. Their trip takes a turn for the worst when the two discover long-forgotten secrets and learn what's lurking in the home is beyond anything they could ever have imag…
  • 一群大学生踏上了外出旅行之路,但是到了森林里,他们的汽车却意外抛锚了~屋漏偏逢连夜雨,这个时候他们没有等到好心的路人,却等到了拿着锤子的变态杀人狂,一系列恶梦般的折磨等待着他们,他们有能否逃出升天…
  • 电影
    Richard Feynman is one of the most iconic, influential and inspiring scientists of the 20th century. He helped design the atomic bomb, solved the mystery of the Challenger Shuttle catastrophe and won a Nobel Prize. Now, 25 years after his death - in his own words and those of his friends and family - this is the story …
  • Called "The American Bowie," "The True Fairy of Rock & Roll" and "Hype of the Year," Jobriath's reign as the first openly gay rock star was brief and over by 1975. Now, 35 years later, "Jobriath A.D." spotlights his life, music, groundbreaking influence and the new generations of…
  • 昏黄的灯光下,在破旧斑驳的屋中,陶土兔族翻开了神秘笔记。沙漏倒转,刻不待时。他要在有限的时间里创造出自己所爱的人。陶土兔族按照笔记所示一步步悉心创作,连额头上的音符印记也精心描画好。他把制作出的头部放进壁炉,缝制好布艺的躯体,按上蓝宝石的眼睛。当他创造出的爱人初具摸样时,沙漏的时间已所剩无几。更不幸的是,无论他看书、弹…