搜索 Christophe
共找到“1571”个结果A sequel movie to The Diary 3 (2000). Still in Rome as a guest of Richard a more mellowed Anna is no longer an actress. One day, her diary is stolen on the street, she tries her best to get it back, and it's back, with an encounter with a man she will fall in love with.
A sequel movie to The Diary 2 (1999). 1930s. Anna (Lila Baumann), the primary character has reinvented herself in Italy as an actress and she is set to star and produce in a film by an Italian production house with questionable background. With these follows, the usual film industry scandals, casting couch, affairs of …
BBC系列剧《今日剧》中的一集。导演阿兰·克拉克把编剧David Rudkin通过特有的超强的幻想潜力创作出的剧本,打造成了一个集合了个人的、社会的、性的、超自然的、形而上的当代社会的多层化的深刻故事。
第一集:西洋镜先驱 第二集:好莱坞的诞生 第三集:梦想批发商 第四集:兄弟之梦 第五集:战士与和平缔造者 第六集:电视的入侵 第七集:新老更替
Hummingbirds take extraordinary to a whole new level. They are the smallest warm-blooded creatures on the planet, but they are also among the fastest. With wings that beat up to 200 times every second, they are among nature’s most accomplished athletes, the only birds able to hover, fly backwards, and even upside down.…
Amanda Tapping饰演一位157岁的Helen meijubar.net Magnus博士,英国维多利亚时代皇家学院第一批女博士之一,她曾和开膛手杰克订婚并有了一个女儿Ashley。不过Ashley不知道他的父亲是杰克。Magnus博士父亲创立了一家神秘生物的庇护所,这些生物从全世界搜集而来。在研究这些生物的过程中,Magnus博士发现她获得了长寿。
OZ是奥兹瓦尔德最高戒备监狱(Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary)的简称。OZ《监狱风云》是HBO第一部独立制作并广受好评的电视剧集,是一部叫人上瘾、沉溺于其中剧情不能自拔的监狱剧。OZ是社会的一个缩影,囊括了所有能发生在监狱中的故事:帮派之争,毒品交易,强暴,杀人,越狱,爱与恨……OZ也是个微型的小社会,举凡美国社会常见的…