搜索 Christophe

  • The poet is at his writing desk when a coachman knocks at his window and invites him to follow him. A stream of memories passes by the glass door of the barouche... the opera, a wonderful diva... The time has come for the poet to write his last verse.
  • A failed coup attempt ... a British mercenary in a grim African prison ... a dictator accused by the West of torture ... and beneath it all, a spectacular underwater oil reserve that the world's major powers would love to get their hands on.It may sound like the latest John LeCarre bestseller, but it's the real-life in…
  • Mark Ruffalo's film debut.
  • 电影喜剧
    讲述了年轻人依莱亚斯,因为盗窃罪得到了为医院做两年紧急护士的判罚期间发生的故事。 原来盗窃犯奥尔特加兄弟偷走了珠宝商的一批钻石,鲁迪趁机又将这批钻石偷走,在逃跑的路上不幸遇到了车祸。很快,这两个兄弟就追查到医院来,他们发疯似的想要找到那批钻石。与此同时,珠宝商也报了警,警察也赶到医院来侦查这个案件。在这个既有警察也有暴…
  • A writer suffering from agoraphobia rents an isolated house so she can concentrate on her writing. She doesn't know that the house is a former brothel, and is inhabited by the ghosts of dead prostitutes.
  • 【英文片名】National Geographic - Giant Panda【中文片名】国家地理 - 大熊猫【国  家】美国【类  别】纪录片【画面尺寸】1280*720【画面比例】16 / 9【视频编码】x264【封装形式】MKV【比 特 率】3333 Kbps【帧 频 率】25.000帧每秒【音频编码】Dolby AC3【声 道 数】5.1 声道【采 样 率】48.0 KHz【语  言】英语…
  • 乌苏拉·安德丝饰演美丽的埃及皇后艾伊莎,在一次大战结束后寻找愿意前往远东探险的英雄。她给对方一只史前戒指和一张地图,可以指引他横跨失灵沙漠和月之山,抵达荣华富贵和她的爱。