- Directed by Schünzel and with Renate Müller and Willy Fritsch, the story revolves around the son of a rich widow and the daughter of a count who are both worried that their parents spend all the money so they decide to find them a partner.…
- Aspiring singer Susanne takes over for ham actor Viktor at a small cabaret in Berlin where he works a woman impersonator and per chance she's discovered by an agent, who thinks, that she really is a man. She becomes famous, but her situation becomes troublesome, when she falls in love with Robert
- One day, Ji-young receives a phone call from her ex-boyfriend, Sung-hyun.Ji-young receives the call with excitement, but soon she is asked to come to his wedding. On Sung-hyun’s wedding day, her alarm clock set for the wedding rings as if it doesn’t care for her feelings. Meanwhile, although it is his wedding day, Sung…
- SynopsisThe setting is Paris in the 17th century.Act IIt begins with the crowd agitated about a series of recent mysterious murders. The police calm the crowd. The goldsmith Cardillac then walks on, and the atmosphere becomes hushed. The Lady asks the Cavalier about Cardillac, and the Cavalier tells of the goldsmith an…