搜索 Cilla

  • 瑞菲奥进入亚历克斯的家里,与其所有家人发生性关系,并折磨夫人奥德里,但其背后隐藏着一个秘密,他是为母亲复仇而来的...
  • 一个患有暴食症的女儿被从医院领了回去,母亲以为女儿的暴食症有所减轻,但她错了,这位胖姑娘变得比以前还能吃,在她半夜起来找东西吃的时候吵醒了她母亲,谁知他母亲把橱柜和冰箱都上了锁,就在争夺钥匙的时候一怒之下将她的母亲杀死,接着他又干掉了一个食品送货员,一对狗男女,最后这些尸体都发臭了,她怕别人发现,然后就用她的特长处理了…
  • 电影
    After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the ...
  • 1892年,因为小说《福尔摩斯》的巨大成功,柯南·道尔已经成为享誉世界的著名作家,他作品中的福尔摩斯是如此的有魅力和令人折服,以致于读过小说的人们都认为世界上真的有福尔摩斯这个人。圣诞夜,柯南·道尔一家亲朋欢聚一堂,其乐融融,他却意外收到了一张奇怪的画,画上一个男孩被残忍地绞死,面目狰狞还在声嘶力竭地喊着救命。这幅画引发了…
  • A prehistoric aquatic creature like a huge crocodile appears in a London swimming pool, eats a life guard, then vanishes. Later a special forces diver vanishes, but then the diver's bones turn up in a flooded basement in a town some way to the south west. Nick Cutter predicts that incidents will occur at places on a st…
  • Connor and Abby join forces to investigate another anomaly suspected of being in the New Forest (Hampshire/Dorset). Meanwhile gigantic bugs (beetles? spiders? ancient...) attack people on the London Underground and Professor Cutter concludes that another anomaly has opened up, to a much earlier prehistoric era --- the …
  • Evolutionary zoologist Professor Nick Cutter has still not come to terms with the disappearance of his wife Helen eight years ago. She is on his mind when he goes to the Forest of Dean with his friends Stephen Hart (an expert tracker) and Connor Temple (an archaeology student and avid conspiracy theorist) to investigat…
  • 通过这部电影,FANS们能最终明白是什么使得这样一个温和的,讨孩子喜欢的农夫转变成美国犯罪史上最可怕的罪犯之一。艾德·蓋恩(Edward Theodore Gein,爱德华·西奥多·盖恩,小名艾德Ed)(1906年8月27日-1984年7月26日)是美國最有名的連環殺手之一。雖然他"只"犯了三起谋殺,但他對其受害者的所作所為卻震驚了整個世界。他犯了谋…
  • Living in matchbox apartments and working mechanical mundane jobs, three sets of urbanites struggle to connect with each other in New York City. Through pre-destined meetings and ill-fated misses, they try to overcome all obstacles to find love in the digital age.Is love made up of 1's and 0's ?
  • 电影生活