搜索 Cioni

  • 电影
  • Louise, 30 ans, enseigne dans un collège en ville. Mais elle n’oublie pas que du temps de la ferme de ses parents, on la surnommait Louloute. À travers sa mémoire, elle livre un portrait saisissant de la vie à la campagne. Un magnifique f…
  • 电影
    A lonely New Yorker serendipitously meets a mysterious foreigner and sparks ignite. A meditation on life and love in the digital age.
  • PIERO和REMO共同生活14年了,是一对恩爱幸福的同性伴侣。PIERO阴差阳错的参加了市长的竞选。在拉选票活动中被安排了ADELE作为助手。开始时,两个人关系很糟糕。但是在REMO的建议下,两人的关系开始改善。并且似乎有了感觉,问题于是也就一点点地出现了。身为GAY形象代言人的他和 14的人生伴侣何去何从……直人,同志,双性恋,到底与谁不同?!
  • 安娜(玛丽亚·德·梅黛洛 Maria de Medeiros 饰)与同性情人玛拉(安朵妮娅·丽斯科娃 Antonia Liskova 饰)由突尼斯旅行回到意大利,二人在入境后惊讶的发现自己后车厢藏了一名随她们一起入境的摩洛哥青年阿尼斯,安娜出于好意,不顾玛拉的反对,将阿尼斯收留在家中,三人同居一室,并让兄长安排阿尼斯到自己家的工厂工作。同样在安娜家工厂工…
  • 电影
    Sara has some questions. Engaged for one day, she decides to call off her marriage. Quirky and beautiful, she is working on being bold. Having had a short relationship with a woman in college, Sara seeks that feeling again. How can she have a woman's touch without giving up men entirely? This question launches Sara on …
  • A soldier of near-superhuman strength fights battles in the First World War and wages a private war to rescue a young woman from the castle where she is imprisoned.
  • Fascisti su Marte narra le vicende di un manipolo di camicie nere, comandato dal gerarca Barbagli, che nel maggio del 1939 parte alla conquista di Marte, "rosso pianeta bolscevico e traditor". Atterrati sul pianeta dopo l'impatto con un meteorite, gli "impavidi" militi del Duce si trovano a combatte…
  • 中年男子瓜尔蒂耶奥过着再普通不过的日子,但妻子拉莫娜却不喜欢这样的平淡生活,最终还是带着女儿离开了他。除了工作就是和朋友一起打游戏机。虽已与妻子离婚,但两人的关系没有视同水火,女儿玛蒂娜成了他们之间唯一的牵绊。一次朋友聚会是无心举行地降神会让瓜尔蒂耶奥召唤出了玛丽莲·梦露,他先是叫来了警察,而后又认为自己患上了精神病,…