搜索 Cole

  • To survive, Andy commits heinous acts of murder to find refuge from a world that is in essence mad, a world where we deny our true will, thoughts and desires. How many people like Andy commit heinous acts in their attempt to "cope" with an insane society? Andy has a very dark place inside.
  • 4 documentary series collectively chapters told by the protagonists of the socialist and progressive processes in Latin America: former guerrillas, indigenous peoples, historians, and social activists in Guatemala and the region. They and they with their eyes, their contexts and music show us the seed and flower of a f…
  • “The Park Bench” mixes live action with vivid animation to create a whimsical tale of life, love – and literature. Emily (Nicole Hayden, “Mad Men”), a librarian-to-be, is assigned to tutor Mateo (Walter Perez, “Friday Night Lights”), a L…
  • 希曼在宇宙与星球间开始了他的新冒险。希曼依靠他那把万能的宝剑并驾驶飞船,与队友同邪恶的“垃圾人”战斗,一次次的挫败了“垃圾人”的阴谋。相比《宇宙的巨人希曼》,《希曼的新冒险》更加现代。不但希曼的造型有所改变,片中也增加了对太空战的描写。希曼的坐骑也不再是太空虎,换成了太空战机。
  • 一群大學生利用春假到森林探險,其中一人的親戚在林中有棟棄置已久的小屋,成了他們派對狂歡的最佳場所。傳說中,小屋附近曾被製藥廠當作秘密實驗據點,許多受試者服用藥物之後精神異常,對外來者格殺勿論。這群年輕人毫不知情,一心只想著狂歡,殊不知還有其他人正盯著他們,一場可怕的夢靨即將降臨…
  • New-York Jazzed Out is a Jazz trip in New-York, featuring musicians who represent the eclectic jazz of our time.Watch musicians performing at boxing gyms, train stations, subways and other unusual concert environments. You will encounter a new visual dimension in jazz performances.
  • 絕對是《都靈老馬》(35 屆 ) 封鏡後,貝拉塔爾創作生命 的首階段勝利。他開辦的 Film Factory 電影學院,請來如 雲名師,吉士雲辛、阿彼察邦、蒂達史雲頓、柏度哥斯 達等等,不過他說,電影不能教,但可以讓年輕導演有 自由,釋放想像,勇於實驗自己東西。於是絕對個人、 絕對生命、另一角度的 11 部短片,風格紛陳,對抗爭、 對生命的探索不乏詩的時刻…
  • 'THE UPPER FOOTAGE' is the first film experience of its kind. The film is an edited version of 393 minutes of recovered footage documenting a young girl's tragic overdose death and subsequent cover up by a group of affluent socialites. What started as a blackmail plot played out over YouTube, became Hollywood's biggest…