- A young Indian filmmaker, who has been living in Switzerland for a long time, returns to his native country to tell fragments of the history of his family and of India, until the next national elections. He finds himself on a journey as he visits famous places, meeting his friends and family as well as local inhabitant…
- In 1985, Willem de Kooning’s “Woman-Ochre,” one of the most valuable paintings of the 20th century, vanished into the Arizona desert after being cut from its frame at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. 32 years later, the $160 milli…
- Milly 和Louis,还有他们的母亲,搬到了新家。他们的父亲因为不耐癌症折磨而自杀,为此,Milly一直感到闷闷不乐,父亲自杀的打击,她的家人每个人都是问题一堆。此时,Milly发现邻居的大男孩Eric相当神秘而孤僻,经常一个人呆在屋顶上。更令人惊异的是,大男孩说他会飞,女孩本来并不相信,但是当男孩牵着她的手在天空飞翔时,她不得不相信自己…
- 一艘太空巡洋舰坠毁在了黑纳斯星球上,这是一个关押着整个银河系中最邪恶危险罪犯的星际监狱。大部分队员都在这场事故中遇难,全队只剩下飞船的驾驶员——星际英雄马克斯·克劳德,倒霉的厨师杰克和极不配合的指挥官雷克西。他们的任务很简单,那就是等待救援人员的到来,同时尽自己最大的努力阻止监狱中的囚犯登船,然而这可是马克斯·克劳德,…
- The true story of the famous Boston College point shaving scandal. The center is a 6 ft. 8 in. white basketball player named Rick Kuhn, who has hopes of playing in the NBA. He is benched in his final year. Kuhn is angry and hurt and has no respect for the game because of this let down. He gets involved with childhood f…