搜索 Contreras

  • 男孩卡玛萨逃离了收养他的家庭,回到了他出生的地方马赛市的一个吉普赛人聚集地,那里鱼龙混杂。正值初夏,艾斯塔克海湾旁的造船厂,不断上演的晚间聚会及纸牌游戏。卡玛萨和堂兄侏儒买下了一只斗鸡。他们梦想着财富与自由。同时,他和孩提时的伙伴上演恶作剧。
  • 2008年巴西圣保罗艺术评论协会最佳剧本奖2008年巴西Cinema Brazil Grand Prize最佳导演、最佳改编剧本提名影片细致地展现了一对爱诗的情侣之间的情感, 以及男主角与一位年迈的艺术家朋友之间忘年之契.巴西导演布郎特(《入侵者》、《微妙犯罪》)的最新作品,故事由读文学专业刚毕业的 Ciro 与年轻模特 Marcela 的相遇开始。正经历着“存…
  • 芭芭拉和波尔和一群朋友在一所被大自然环绕的房子里度假了几天。他们希望有一个美好的时光,找到一个安静的空间,在那里他们可以享受他们的亲密。在波尔的支持下,在大自然中,在眼泪和笑声之间,芭芭拉将治愈旧伤口,重新定义她的性取向。Barbara and Pol spend a few days on holiday with a group of friends in a …
  • Khalil is a rootless young man who lives on the edge of town, where the industrial estates merge into the river and the marshes. Khalil gets by as best he can and spends his time with an old poacher, who shares a house on the riverbank with a brother who he hasn't spoken to in years. On the banks of the marshes, the ti…
  • 一群电影工作者进入了一个工作室,整整一天,他们通过念稿、排练、计算,上演了这个叫做“傻瓜和蠢蛋”的故事。在桌旁围坐并按照导演的指示,他们向我们展示了电影创造过程的演变,以及如何通过一次次的尝试,指引、灯光和道具将最开始的剧本变成电影。在电影院,我们的错觉以及电影的“视觉谎言”,使我们能够享受到在屏幕上看到的故事。
  • 秘鲁首都利马芸芸众生中的三位:卧底警察急于想救病重的妻子;出租车司机出事故后希望加入宗教;足球队长有个坐牢的弟弟。他们的身躯早已疲倦了……《凡躯的福音》这部多线群像电影首映于2013年秘鲁利马电影节,获得了观众票选最佳秘鲁电影奖。
  • A rowdy, womanizing merchant mariner, leader of an eccentric crew of misfits and drunks, is almost killed by a Japanese torpedo strike. The brush with death seems to make him even more reckless. In San Francisco, he clashes with a sophisticated, cold librarian, but hangs around because of his attraction to her much liv…
  • 综艺真人秀
    The eighteenth season of the American competitive reality television series Hell's Kitchen (officially known as Hell's Kitchen: Rookies vs. Veterans) began airing on September 28, 2018 on Fox. Gordon Ramsay returns as host and head chef, and Season 10 winner Christina Wilson and British MasterChef judge James "Joc…
  • Kevin,acharismaticskater,decidestostealtheplanofadangerousgangtorobsevenmilliondollarsfromtheairportandgivehisgirlfriendGénesis,thelifeshedeserves.TherestoftheteamconsistsofPantera,MísticaandPanda,whojointhisadventure.