搜索 Corbin

  • 奴隶贩子带回来了一个邪恶的巫术实体,在内战中不幸被联邦军队所释放
  • 电影
    After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the ...
  • 肆虐洛杉矶的基因变种大蜘蛛再度现身赌城拉斯维加斯,军方秘密组织第51区中的一名职员,因为贪婪想藉由贩卖变种蜘蛛赚取大笔金钱,却意外让蜘蛛流窜各大饭店寄生繁殖,麦将军下令不计人员伤亡,一定要将蜘蛛消灭殆尽,奉命出任务的洛德,其心爱女友正在饭店任职,身系人烦安危的他,却心系女友安全,他要如何才能消灭危害人类安危的大蜘蛛呢?
  • 寂寞无聊的家庭主妇丽莎维恩和一个年轻人开始了一段火热的婚外情。但是随着她的行为越来越大胆,她的警察丈夫开始起疑,而丽莎的不安状况也变得越来越危险。这部关于沉迷和不忠的情色惊悚片来自导演Michael Valverde,片名也叫Last Sunset(最后的落日)。
  • 公元1007年北美海岸,两个挪威人在他们的探险船队被袭击后被认为已经死亡,并被队伍抛弃。在两人努力在新世界的巨大森林里生存的过程中,他们的轨迹却并不相同:一个追求探索心灵的旅程,另一个回归到最原始的本能。On the coast of North America in AD 1007, two Norsemen are stranded when their expedition…
  • The screenplay centers on characters Brendan Young (Houston) and Darryl Jennings (Omarion) who take a trip to the Lake Arrowhead with a group of college friends to celebrate Young's girlfriend's birthday. One-by-one the coeds begin disappearing until a mysterious young visitor arrives and helps them begin to unravel th…
  • 电影
    Ever since JAWS enchanted and frightened cinemagoers in the 1970s, the shark movie has become a welcome addition to the horror film genre. RAGING SHARKS continues the tradition, once again tapping into mankind's innate fear of these creatures who lurk in the ocean. This time out, the Bermuda Triangle is the location fo…