搜索 Corey

  • 患有精神疾病的羅伯(湯姆薩維尼 飾)是名前特種部隊軍人,他從精神病院逃出來後便躲進附近的山區,每天以獵殺為樂,舉凡山裡會動的生物皆不放過。然而,每年夏天都會跟著叔叔來到這座森林打獵的傑克,恰巧與另一組登山客同時間進入山區,森林裡一下子熱鬧了起來,羅伯的殺機也隨之沸騰!
  • 4位科学家用非现代科技让已故的小伙伴重新复活的故事。
  • Shortly after a chemical weapon explosion in the Nevada desert, two scientists find themselves confronting a sinister cover up, and a band of hostile survivors who are looking to escape the quarantined area known as Territory 8.
  • 电影记录
  • 故事主角叫作大卫·盖茨,他被雇来拍摄一项调查。在一个神秘的小镇,所有的居民都消失得无影无踪。在调查中,大卫逐渐发现很多奇异的事情,并且陷入危险。他感到自己体内出现了异样的感觉。与此同时,他的老板让他拍摄一场他并不熟悉的驱魔仪式。在这过程中,他遭遇了一些不自然的状况,被纯粹的邪恶侵袭,而且许多非人的力量在他身体内部将他撕…
  • 家庭暴力
    Robson Green and Saira Todd star in a powerful love story exploring the roots of domestic violence.Beaten starts with a scene where Robson's character Michael appears to punch his wife, Stephanie (Saira Todd). It may seem that it's all too clear what's going on, but he explains how the drama portrays a far more complic…
  • The.Young.Indiana.Jones.Chronicles
  • 灵犬莱西第一季
    Widowed veterinarian Karen Cabot and her young son Timmy have moved back to Karen's old home town of Hudson Falls, Vermont, where Karen bought out the practice of elderly Dr. Donald Stewart, the town's vet. Timmy is uncertain of the move and still smarting from his father's recent death. In short order, we are introduc…
  • 救援突击队
    TV series 1989-19923 seasons