搜索 Corey

  • 电影
    利奥(唐纳德·法森 Donald Faison 饰)是一个恪尽职守的快递员,一次失误中,他将一箱整整十公斤的高级可卡因错送给了无所事事的小混混布罗迪(迈克·艾普斯 Mike Epps 饰)与古奇(伍德·哈里斯 Wood Harris 饰),面对这天上掉下来的馅饼,两人做起了发财的美梦,他们找到了干毒品买卖的夏武(欧玛瑞·哈德威克 Omari Hardwic…
  • 电影经典
    一群玩具制造者一直想知道Andre Toulon's做玩具的经典模式。而Andre Toulon's的外甥却使用这种神秘的方法制造除了一个玩具杀手,准备在圣诞前夜投放到市场上。
  • 电影冒险
    科学家本(Zach Galifianakis 饰)隶属于美国政府某个秘密部门,它通过高科技手段训练豚鼠说话与思考,并将它们培养成特工人员。然而,本的部门却面临被FBI关闭的局面,为了证明他和豚鼠特工的能力,本向豚鼠特工队的负责鼠达尔文(山姆·洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 配音)下令,要它们潜入赛博林工业的CEO罗纳德·赛博(Bill Nighy 饰)…
  • After being fired from the Space Agency, the disgruntled (not to mention crazy) Dr. DeMarco creates an Astroman from a criminal’s dead body. However, he loses control of his creation, which goes on a killing spree, attracting the attention…
  • Ricky is the hottest water-ski instructor around and he has just be rehired by his former employer/camp to whip up attendance. But the camp is in serious financial trouble and the owner of a rival, more popular, camp wants to buy them out. Therefore they will have to engage in a mean, winner-takes-all competition that …
  • 少不经世的Jared从Georgia来到花花世界LA。在为盲妇Mrs. Haines担当护理工作期间,认识了她的儿子Matthew,事业有成,风度翩翩。同时,Jared的室友Robert也对Jared表了白。Jared对自己的抉择迷茫了。。。这是一部低成本(30K $)、短时间内(五天)完成的独立电影,主要人物Jared经历了一个自我认知的过程。本子不错,整部片子总体很Sweet…
  • 电影
    毕业将至,乔丹转学到了拉古娜海滩的高中,但是那里的冲浪高手泰勒根本就看不起乔丹和他的朋友.咽不下这口气的乔丹就发动朋友们一起去哥斯达黎加学习冲浪,但是他们只有一周的时间,而且他们的冲浪老师利普是个酒鬼,整天精神恍惚. 他们能否打败不可一世的泰勒并且名色双收呢?
  • From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over their summer vacation. Kevin and Brittany become lifeguards, while Quinn and the Fashion Club all get a tutor, David, who Q…