搜索 Coss

  • 讲述50年代的美国,一个受自由开放教育的年轻女孩搬到乡下保守的浸礼会教友社区,逐渐成熟的故事。改编之Sarah Willis 的小说。1954年,15岁的Tamara Anderson 厌倦了和其父母、兄弟姐妹漂离的生活。于是他们租下了一幢乡村农舍,发现其主人在17岁的儿子死在家中后就搬了出去。Tamara起初对男孩死在自己的卧室很是震惊,不过一家人开始去适应新…
  • 煮塞镇夫裳对爱夯情绥和性莹爱直充满好奇与向峰往,翼在本一押次臭作业两题目哉“沪青春扭与性浸爱”哄中填,塞浦夫借与女奔搭邀档亲身焙体验蛊了荆纷繁皱复衬杂的男女关洽系,台不哉仅抑对袁爱情和性有了更深层泊次诌的认忧识,姓还面因此订走到濒了投一起,拦圆展了佑各自院的喻爱拒情梦辣。
  • In this contemporary retelling of the Cinderella story, a feisty 18-year-old Italian-American New Yorker named Cindy is sent off moxia.cc to Rome with her irascible stepmother and vain stepsisters. On the way, she meets, and falls in love with, globetrotting bagpacker Mizio, who eventually turns out to be of Italian no…
  • 导演大卫•瓦斯(胡里奥•查维兹Julio Chávez饰)筹拍一部描绘阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚高原和阿劳卡尼亚大区传奇“国王”的电影。筹拍工作困难重重,但最难的是寻找一位最合适的国王扮演者。历经辛苦,全部演员终于敲定,剧组出发前往阿根廷南部的巴塔哥尼亚高原开始拍摄。但正当拍摄任务接近尾声之际,制片人突然撤走资金,众人也被借住的孤儿院扫地…
  • The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth). No two experiences of trans people are exactly alike. Transgender, transsexual, gend…
  • A gang terrorizes Mexico City's high society on 1915. Murder, kidnaping and robbery are their trademarks. One police inspector (Cabrera) follows the gang crimes and eventually send them to the jail
  • 电影冒险
  • Memories of Argentina in the early 1950s bring a man back (in his mind) to his neighborhood, his family, and their hardware store. Alth ough the barrio was filled with people both for and against Juan Perón who was in office as President at this time, the bonds of friendship were stronger than political differences. Th…
  • 讲述了以吴雅和毕百灵为代表的库班新苏维埃集体农庄的农民们热爱劳动,热爱祖国,歌唱爱情与幸福的故事。影片中最成功的插曲有四首:《丰收之歌》《从前你这样》《红莓花儿开》和《歌唱幸福》。国内有配音版:【译制出品】长春电影制片厂(东影,1950)【配音演员】孙忠志 薛挽澜 向隽殊 彭勃 从连文等