- 集合了知名恐怖電影的驚悚影像,你承受得住嗎?你不知道的六個都市傳說…本集收錄:1.驚慌:某天,一名女子在廢墟醒來後聽到聲音,於是她便往聲音方向走去,結果房間裡出現一群滿身是血的男子…。2.妃姬子:飽受霸凌的妃姬子,因為和一名男子過於親近而遭到殺害。死後的妃姬子成為惡鬼出現在人世間…。3.看到鬼的方法:兩位女高中生帶著好玩…
- Built on a divorce, Helen knows a great love with the young Alain for ten years. A wave of Alain cousin, Michelle, to which he is forced to take an interest soon take place in his heart of Helen, but the girl would not want to break the home. As for the woman, more and more jealous, she gets ACCIDENTER and is transport…