搜索 Coutinho

  • http://www.contracampo.com.br/39/seisdias.htm
  • This film shows people with constant psychological and social conflicts: the violence among outlaws, conflicts between man and woman, police and society.
  • 电影剧情
  • 本片导演Luiz Rosemberg Filho与Julio Bressane和Rogerio Sganzerla并称为巴西边缘电影三杰,走的都是独立路线,玩的都是实验/先锋电影。这是他在70年代拍摄的最后一部实验电影。A rich and conservative industrialist's lack of values and existential misery, though he keeps looking…
  • Eduardo Coutinho是巴西新浪潮电影运动中的又一位天才导演,虽然他在新浪潮时期只拍摄过两部影片,但却都堪称杰作,这部在剧情上非常复杂新颖的影片是他最好的作品。In a fictitious country, civil servant receives the greatest inheritance in history (ten trillion dollars) and is confin…
  • 这是70年的 不是82年René Laloux的同名动画 别瞎添加海报简介全错... 都指向了那部IMDB才12Votes ...谁添加的条目 误导啊
  • 我们第一季
    由大卫·尼科尔斯根据他的同名畅销小说改编的bbcone的四集电视剧《美国谍影》已经开拍。汤姆·霍兰德(巴普蒂斯特,晚上经理)将加入了Saskia李维斯(路德,设得兰群岛),苏菲抓住øl(杀戮、坚毅),汤姆·泰勒(医生培养,《黑暗塔),伊恩•德Caestecker (S.H.I.E.L.D代理,褪色)和Thaddea格雷厄姆(宵禁,国王的信),由莎拉·克洛铸造。它是由戏剧共和国…
  • Two actresses and politician traveling and staying in the same hotel, but each has a distinct purpose.
  • 50分钟的纪录片拍摄居住在里约北部贫民区的孩子们。The daily life in a shantytown in the north part of Rio de Janeiro, with 10,000 people living in bad conditions, their problems and the issue of police violence.Filming the word-in-act, the present event…
  • 电影
    A film starting from naught. With no prior research, no characters, no sites, nor specific themes, a film team arrive to the hinterland of Paraíba state in northeastern Brazil in search of people with stories to tell. In the village of São…