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  • Wile E. Coyote uses, among other things, a dehydrated boulder to try to catch the Road Runner. He applies a drop of water to enlarge it from pebble-size to usual boulder dimensions, but it enlarges as Wile E. is lifting it over his head, coming down on top of him.
  • Volcom 06/07 雪季单板滑雪宣传片
  • 电影
  • During a New Year’s Eve celebration, a punk-rock singer gets a phone call saying that when New Year’s strikes in each time zone, someone will be murdered–and she will be the last one.
  • This documentary, produced for PBS' "The American Experience" (1988) series, chronicles the struggles between filmmaker Orson Welles and newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst over the making and release of Citizen Kane (1941), whose protagonist (Charles Foster Kane) was allegedly a barely fictionalized Hea…
  • 世界头号恐怖组织得到了控制核子武器引导卫星的密码,危及关头,美国危机处理小组协同英国美女,面对盟友的出卖,对手诡计,无畏出击,最终重新获得了卫星的控制权.......各展奇谋,马科斯、切尔希不懈的追踪着狡猾的国际大军火商劳斯切,足迹遍及全球!时间一分一分钟迫近,劳斯切一步一步开始控制卫星!全人类的安全,悬于一线 ......
  • 1940年,德军占领法国。一个不谙世事的乡下姑娘芭贝特来到巴黎寻人,此时正赶上人们纷纷逃离,芭贝特只得随着逃难的人群乘船来到了英国。天真的芭贝特被军方招募,经过训练,她被空投到法国,她的任务是利用美貌获取德国将军的信任,探听德国进攻英格兰的计划,在抵抗组织的配合下绑架德国将军...
  • 电影喜剧
    The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.