- Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson.Jackson sits down to recount his experiences breaking barriers within the MLB, starting in Birmingham at the height of the Civil Rights movement, then moving to Oakland during the rise of the Black Panther Party — a…
- 美少女游戏组合Crane Game Girls第二季动画全集是由动画工作室京風とまと制作的一部原创动画,作品包含5分钟时长的动画短片和16分钟时长真人剧,真人剧将由动画中角色的声优来出演。故事围绕着未来、彩日花和响子三个女孩展开。三人是唯一能拯救地球免受巨大陨石群毁灭的救星。她们被神秘组织代表小夜雇佣,而组织给她们的第一份工作就是成为偶…
- 老马(马新春 饰)是村中有名的木匠兼画匠,到了73岁时他已不再下地干活,平日里除了在村口看看牌局、聊聊天,就是和村里另一名木匠老曹一起做棺材生意。但现在政府大力推行火葬,越来越少有人来寻两个老人制作棺材了。老曹近一年觉得自己身体状态很差,遂找了老马为自己制作了一个画着仙 鹤的棺材。做完这一副棺材,老马就去女儿家过中秋节,回…
- An unexpected blizzard threatens the Parton family, while at the same time Dolly's father (and his kids) make sacrifices to raise enough money to finally buy his wife the wedding ring he could never afford to give her. Meanwhile, an important person in little Dolly's life begins to see that her amazing voice and musica…