- 离开30年后,布莱克医生(CraigMcLachlan饰)回到故乡,接管亡父的诊所,随之而来的还有父亲警局顾问的职责。淘金热过后的1959年,澳洲熏天财富已消散,在繁华依旧的表象之下,隐藏了欺骗和谋杀。布莱克医生一边重新适应家乡生活,一边开始协助警局破解迷案。
- Julio is studying literature in Valdivia and he falls in love with Emilia. Years later, he meets a writer who needs someone to transcribe a novel. A secretary who charge less than him get the job, but Julio doesn't give it up and decides to produce a manuscript that seems identical to the one he saw during his job inte…