搜索 Cristo

  • 电影冒险
    埃德蒙(路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan 饰)本是一个朝气蓬勃的年轻水手,他对生活充满了热情,与人为善的个性亦为他在江湖上结识了诸多朋友。梅塞迪丝(伊冯·弗奴克丝 Yvonne Furneaux 饰)是埃德蒙心爱的姑娘,当埃德蒙完成了此次海上作业回到陆地上后,两人就准备成婚。不幸的是,埃德蒙的幸福惹得情敌费尔南多(Jean-Claude Mi…
  • 电影
    Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
  • Anna is a fiercely independent blind woman. Her husband Carl has to sell the apartment they lived in and move in an old house in a remote location surrounded by fields. Anna is not happy there and feels even more isolated as she is most of the time all alone - but eery noises and strange facts lead her to think that so…
  • 继成功的POE三部曲(POE 1 Eireie诗歌,POE 2邪恶计划,POE 3件Eldritch)之后,三位最原始的国际独立导演带来了Edgar Allan Poe的故事。虽然在之前的POE三部曲电影中,焦点是臭名昭着的波士顿作家的诗意和可怕的维度,但这第四章的重点是黑色CAT故事的血腥,暴力和令人不安的复述。
  • 一颗陨石坠落在科索沃的一个农场后的几年,一位意大利科学家离开他的家在意大利,以追踪奇怪行为和似乎围绕这一现象发生的结果。他的旅程将他带到了一个最近被废弃的军事基地,在那里剩下的少数人变成了对人类肉体有食欲的超凡脱俗的生物。科学家很快就会发现,陨石笼罩在一个横跨人类存在的谜团中
  • 故事开始于戈梅拉岛上的一片森林之中,在这里,一具年轻男子的尸体被发现了,之后,一名嫌疑犯遭到了逮捕,但因为缺乏关键性的证据,最终,这名嫌犯获得了无罪判决,这桩案件也就此成为了悬案。  一晃眼3年过去,当这起悲剧逐渐被众人埋没在记忆的灰尘之下时,调查局检察官贝维拉卡(基姆·古铁雷斯 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)和他的助手查莫洛(奥…
  • In this award-winning anthology, several international directors take on the most macabre stories of all, from the master of horror, Edgar Allen Poe.
  • Alex Montoya is a man who has fallen away from the Christian faith. He finds himself in a destructive relationship and in financial debt which causes him to become involved in various con jobs. Jacob, a wise and loving Christian man, offers Alex a better way to live his life in hopes of allowing Alex to change his ways…