- Torrey Pines is a stop-motion animated feature film by director Clyde Petersen. based on a true story, the film is a queer punk coming-of-age tale, taking place in Southern California in the early 1990's. Raised by a schizophrenic single mother, Petersen's life story unfolds in a series of baffling and hallucinated eve…
- After meeting online, Jack and Kristy go on a weekend getaway to the woodlands of rural Missouri. While discovering each other, they soon learn of the terrorizing horrors that the forest has in store.
- Chad Steelman, local legend and deadbeat, recruits a team to take vengeance on the might mythical Pegasus.
- A young girl suspended in the water of a dingy bathtub, three tiny goldfish suffocate in a girl's hand- these are the first images of Fishbowl, a film written and directed by Julie Wiles. The young girl is Sadie Shipley a mousy and contemplative girl who runs the fishbowl game with her father in a traveling carnival. T…
- Mary and PJ are kidnapped and tortured by a sadistic clown bent on transforming them into a 'doll' and a 'dog' -- servile sex slaves that will be sold to the highest bidders. When PJ goes mad, Mary becomes the couple's only hope of survival. But can she find a way out before auction day arrives?