- Set over Halloween weekend of 1987, My Brothers is the story of three young brothers' epic quest to replace their dying father's watch. Noel, 17, serious, weighed down by responsibility; Paudie: 11, cocky, not so bright and dreams of playing in goals for Liverpool and Scwally: 7, naive and obsessed with Star Wars (desp…
- From Nashville newcomer to international icon, singer Shania Twain transcends genres across borders amid triumphs and setbacks in this documentary.
- The film follows Ghislaine Maxwell growing up in Oxford as the daughter of notorious media tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell, her life in London, and then her reinvention in New York, where she meets Jeffrey Epstein.
- Mittoffersarefreshinglycandidviewoftheprivatemomentsofamajorpresidentialcontender.ThefilminvitestheaudienceintotheroomwithMittRomneyandhistight-knitfamilyduringhistworecentattemptstogainthepresidency.Anotablyprivateperson,Romneywasconflictedaboutputtinghiswifeandfamilythroughtherigorsandexposureofmountingacampaign.Afte…