- 影片是2003年那部热闹的喜剧《奶爸别动队》的续集之作,从它被提上日程表那一天起,制片人杰森·舒曼就一直打理着与影片相关的一切事宜,就连导演弗莱德·萨维奇,也是他亲自找来的。萨维奇最近刚刚当上爸爸,再加上过去几年的时间里,他执导创作了许多与孩子有关的喜剧作品,所以当他读到剧本时,几乎是想都没想就答应了做这部影片的导演
- The story happens in the Paraguayan Chaco, the territory with the highest deforestation rate in the world. 25,000 hectares of forest are being deforested a month in this territory which would mean an average of 841 hectares a day or 35 hectares per hour. The forest barely lives and this only due to a reserve that the T…