- Inspired by the bestselling debut novel of Argentine writer-activist Dolores Reyes, “Cometierra,” meaning Eartheater in English, is a supernatural drama steeped in magical realism that follows Aylín, a young girl from the rough outskirts o…
- 《极速前进加拿大版》(英语:The Amazing Race Canada)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的加拿大版本。节目由加拿大运动员庄拿芬·蒙哥马利主持。节目内容为多队由两位本身有关系的加拿大人所组成的参赛队伍,游历全球不同地方,并完成不同任务之淘汰赛,以争夺最终冠军之奖金25万加元,加拿大航空提供的一年商务舱环球机票,每人一…
- Kimmy is a shy teenager who is desperately trying to fit in with the "it" crowd. She is convinced to attend a ditch party with her preppy "friends." On their way to the party the preppy teens accidentally hit a woman. They attempt to hide the body but are caught by a group of gangsters. The teens ar…