- Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the t…
- Conceived as a cinematic response to the 250th anniversary of James Cook’s arrival in this region, We Are Still Here is a poetic and powerful statement of resistance and survival. Through eight heroic protagonists, the film traverses 1000 …
- Saladin K. Patterson负责剧本的未命名多镜头喜剧项目改编自牧师Touré及Sarah Roberts的现实经历,剧中讲述Omari(Leslie Odom Jr.饰演)及Hope在主持教会的同时,还得应付家中四个孩子。