- 神京城有四大家族:“萧、司马、花、谢”,是皇帝最为倚重的豪门贵胄。花家的大公子花满天(何润东饰)与谢家千金谢千寻(张馨予饰)青梅竹马,私定终身。而皇帝最宠爱的公主倾城(李心艾饰)一直痴恋花满天。就在花满天执意要迎娶谢千寻之际,谢家出事,花满天下决心无论如何也要救千寻。此时花满天奉命护送倾城公主前往番邦和亲,本意欲趁和亲…
- 故事的开始,苏橙因艺人方潇潇惨遭剧组弃用,痛失艺人助理工作。一边是不能再拖欠的房租,一边是一心向往的演艺圈。苏橙从小深受舞台影响,玩耍最多的地方就是剧场后台。“再来一遍”是她一直践行的匠人精神。本科毕业后,苏橙就开始辗转奔波在剧组之间,好不容易得到的艺人助理工作,还有一次次的替身戏机会,苏橙高兴万分,却被段承轩的作弄而…
- 家境优越的天才少年彭飞遭遇父亲离奇死亡,为了查出事情真相彭飞考入警校,而当年经办次案的警察孟凡生竟然成为了彭飞的老师。在复杂的心绪中,彭飞和黎雯雯、杨思过等另外六名各具专长的同学组成了警校的实验班。他们青春热血,在孟老师的魔鬼体能训练和全新的虚拟案件侦破课中成长成熟越挫越勇。彭飞也逐渐发现,父亲之死的背后很可能隐藏着一…
- The story happens in the Paraguayan Chaco, the territory with the highest deforestation rate in the world. 25,000 hectares of forest are being deforested a month in this territory which would mean an average of 841 hectares a day or 35 hectares per hour. The forest barely lives and this only due to a reserve that the T…
- An email correspondence between the filmmaker and a mysterious online art dealer in the Baltic develops into a strangely intimate exchange about art and authenticity, media of questionable provenance, digressive Wikipedia research, and—to borrow the title of Hans Richter’s 1947 film—dreams that money can buy.