- A sports drama directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma, stars Ajay Devgn essaying the role of Syed Abdul Rahim known as the architect of modern Indian football. National Award winner Keerthy Suresh will be making her Hindi film debut with Maidaan. The film is based on the golden era of Indian football, described from 1952…
- Based upon the award winning book by Alice Thomas Ellis,"The Inn at The Edge Of The World", is a drama about five people who respond to an advert to escape Christmas and all its enforced jollity in London and retreat to an Inn off the West coast of Scotland.
- 1898. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson travel to Germany to investigate a strange case in the village of Darmstadt - near castle Frankenstein.
- ヒーロー藤原拓海の優れたドライブスキールが人々に認められ、数多くの県外のドライバーが挑戦に来たので、父親の愛車AE86に乗ってレースを始めた。後程、ライバルだった高橋涼介と高橋啓介という遠征チームを組んで、関東各地の山道でレース戦いを展開した。 本編はテレビバージョンに続き、神奈川連合チームと戦い、SidewinderとPro…