- Created by Daniel Bogado and 72 Films (Inside North Korea’s Dynasty), and executive produced by Dan Lindsay and T.J. Martin (Undefeated, LA 92), Daniel Bogado’s 9⁄11: One Day in America was made to mark 20 years since the attacks of 9⁄11. …
- In the early 1970s, photojournalist Don McCullin photographed the area of Toxteth in Liverpool, capturing the place during an era of transition and decline. Focusing on one photograph from his collection,_ Almost Liverpool 8_ paints a parallel contemporary portrait of the same area through the eyes of the people who in…
- 描绘四个好朋在上高中之前,把握最后周末良机。死党们得知市区举办动漫展,于是他们打定主意,绝对要参与这个神奇的活动。但是在狂放开趴之后,狗却不见了,房子也毁了,这下友谊备受考验。