- Set ten years on from high school drama NEXT TO ME, this film places the former classmates in unfamiliar territory, both physical and psychological. The story quickly moves away from the comfort of the classroom to the untamed wilds of Serbia, and forces the characters to confront nature and reveal their own true color…
- After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim.
- TVアニメ『鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理』 2nd Season 鋭意制作中!! TVアニメ1st Season、閉幕。 そして2nd Seasonが始動──!! ロンを狙うM家の思惑とは・・・! 続報をお待ち下さい!
- 随着武魂融合技的锋芒消散,切磋赛最终以唐舞麟所带领的一年级组获胜而告一段落。片刻宁静后,一年级生们的期末考试也如期而至。学院提出的种种难题令众人捉襟见肘,唐舞麟等人也不例外。他们使出了各自的看家本领,为通过考试,跌跌撞撞的踏上了明都之行……