- Gerardo is the lead singer of a rock band, diving into a downward spiral of excess and self-destruction.
- 这是石器时代一个晴朗明媚的早晨,洞人凯斯伯(杰克·莱斯柯利 Jack Lescoulie 配音)伸着懒腰从山洞走出来,他的肚子咕咕直叫,这令脾气有些暴躁的凯斯伯心情十分不爽。他叫醒了他的宠物——身形庞大的恐龙费多,主仆一前一后结伴外出打猎。凯斯伯很快发现了它的猎物,那是正在水面上自在游弋的达菲鸭(梅尔·布兰克 Mel Blanc 配音)。…
- 破碎部队旅馆,是一个高耸入云的摩天大厦。老实巴交的猪小弟(梅尔·布兰克 Mel Blanc 配音)正准备退房,势利眼的老板以鄙夷的眼神盯着他。猪小弟看了看旅馆昂贵的价目表,他正等待好朋友达菲鸭(梅尔·布兰克 Mel Blanc 配音)把钱带来。谁知达菲鸭把钱弄丢了,他拖着沉重的步伐回到宾馆房前门口,不小心听到了老板的话。达菲鸭和老板斗智斗勇…
- Snow-bound in a cabin, two starving men begin visualizing each other as food, before salesman Daffy Duck calls at their door. The two men fancy Daffy as a duck dinner and chase him around the cabin. Daffy tells them he is a cookbook salesman with a complimentary turkey dinner. The men let Daffy go and sit down to feast…
- Daffy haplessly attempts to prove to the jocularly doubtful Friar Tuck Porky that he is actually Robin Hood.6 min.
- Doctor Quack is doing an operation, and Daffy is his assistant. Things start out sedately enough, with Daffy asking for quiet in various ways. Then the operation starts, and after handing over instruments at a ever-increasing pace, Daffy loses it and is ejected. He gets his head stuck in an iron lung, and feels the eff…
- Daffy is looking forward to celebrate Easter but his mysterious animator decides to make very bad things with the three completely new episodes.