搜索 Dama

  • 电影喜剧
  • The first sequel to KIlink ISTANBUL'DA picks up right where the 1st installment left off. Superman manages to locate Kilink's hideout on a remote island where his fiancé and her father are being held behind bars. Meanwhile, Kilink's scientists finally manufacture a lethal destructive canon-like weapon that is able to b…
  • 已近不惑之年的古罗夫在雅尔塔的黑海之滨遇上了带着叭儿狗的少妇安娜。经过一个星期的接触,古罗夫得到了安娜的感情,开始热恋。几天后,安娜接到丈夫的病讯赶回C市,古罗夫也回到莫斯科,与比他大10岁的妻子过着平淡无味的生活。古罗夫渐渐发现自己不能离开安娜,独自去C市找她,并约定每隔三个月在莫斯科的一个旅馆见面,俩人开始了一段苦涩的…
  • This rather minor effort simply tacks together all of the post-shot bits where van der Keuken pans over to Noshka Van der Lely to capture her striking the wind sock on her boom microphone, thus enabling synchronization in post production. It's sort of a fast tour through hundreds of shots and comes off as little more t…
  • 电影喜剧
  • Senapathy, 一个老练的自由斗士,他对官僚主义的各个层面上的猖獗腐败感到愤怒。他会不惜任何代价把它清理干净。