- Frost's efforts to join a gym and date Julie, the fitness instructor, are hampered by two suspicious deaths. The first concerns a man found dead on a waste tip with no identity beyond an empty wallet, seemingly a mugging victim. However his wife comes to report his disappearance and Frost, in following through, is intr…
- 结城梨斗(渡边明乃配音)是一位平凡的高中生,暗恋着青梅竹马西连寺春菜(矢作纱友里配音),然而,腼腆的梨斗决心将这份真挚地感情深深埋藏在心底,每日只是在角落里偷偷地凝望着自己的女神。某日,一位名叫菈菈·萨塔琳·戴比路克(户松遥配音)的外星女王突然从天而降,成为了梨斗的同居人,就这样,梨斗开始了和菈菈一起的没羞没臊地生活。…
- Main characters Neil Vincent and Stephan Shultz are around 19-21 years old, they live in a rented house, sit around and play video games...they're douche bags. On Neil's side of the story, his life has been going down hill fast. He's just been dumped by his girlfriend for being "a boring ass hole", with this …
- 繁华都市的夜晚,人头攒动的电车内突现古物,血腥屠杀后古物带着真奈逃跑,却被尾随而来的冷酷少女更衣小夜斩杀。在此之后,两名少女连同另一组人马遭到“塔”的追击。以此为契机,小夜结识了殡藏人、指挥官矢薙春乃、松尾伊织、藤村骏、月山比吕等通过互联网走到一起的年轻人秘密组织Sirrut,他们的共同目标便是终结七原文人的野心。陌生的搭档…