- This suspense-thriller combines groundbreaking cinematography and thought-provoking music, to tell the story of two men whose lives are turned upside down by the mysterious contents of a safe. When Carter relocates to a quaint Pennsylvania town to care for his ailing mother things go surprisingly well. Almost immediate…
- THE DARKEST UNIVERSE is BAFTA-nominated directors Will Sharpe and Tom Kingsley's surreal and hilarious follow-up to the critically acclaimed BLACK POND. Described by Sharpe and Kingsley as 'a romantic comedy set in space, or - to be more specific - planet Earth', the film follows world-weary banker Zac on his search fo…
- based on real events that occurred in Europe in 2010. There are over 25,000 demonic possessions reported each year - many of those claim to be possessed during sexual intercourse. After a steamy night captured on video, a couple watches their sex tape - but they discover something ancient and very evil on the tape, som…
- A troubled teenage sharpshooter decides to avenge the death of her estranged sister after she is found murdered in a public bathroom.
- A killer breaks into an apartment to steal a valuable brooch. He kills an old woman, but in fleeing he encounters a young woman on the stairs. In the films most memorable scene, he discovers she is blind! He sneaks past, but she reaches out and feels his coat. This is the only clue the police have. Later, the killer re…